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Wir wünschen Ihnen ein phantastisches und friedliches 2025 !

Heed Audio PX
Heed Audio Obelisk PX, Netzteil
Heed Audio Obelisk PX, Netzteil One of the most difficult tasks we have undertaken has been to extend the capabilities of the Obelisk PRE, which was designed to perform beautifully as a self-contained unit. However, the Obelisk PX dedicated outboard power supply manages to surpass even our highest expectations. The PX is based on a sophisticated fully-regulated, double-filtered circuit topology, which eliminates interference caused by the mains supply, providing the cleanest possible current to the PRE. It features very high grade components such as a Noratel mains transformer and four 10.000µF Mundorf capacitors custom made to Heed's own specifications. This results in extremely low noise, low inner impedance and negligible distortion performance. Although the PX is primarily designed to partner with the Obelisk PRE, it can also be paired to enhance the performance of our Quasar phono stage, Dactilus DAC, Luna II preamp, etc.

1.450,00 €*
Heed Audio Q-PSU
Heed Audio Q-PSU, Q-Netzteil
Heed Audio Netzteil zur Aufrüstung Questar auf Questar QN und für andere Heed Geräte The enhanced power supply of the QUASAR, the Q-PSU that also can be used as power supply upgrade with other components like the QUESTAR phono stage or the DACTILUS D-to-A converter is based around a 60 VA toroidal transformer with low-density magnetic field and very little dispersion. This power, together with 40,000 µF filtering, can feed the circuit with the kind of super-clean current usually delivered only by battery-based supplies, even with extreme dynamic swings.

510,00 €*
Heed Audio PI
Heed Audio Thesis PI, Zusatznetzteil für Thesis Geräte
Heed Audio Thesis PI, Externes Netzteil Die Thesis-Serie ist Heed’s Statement ! Was hier an Bauteile- und Anfassqualität geboten wird, findet man oftmals nicht in wesentlich teureren Preisklassen anderer renommierter Hersteller. Sämtliche Geräte werden in aufwendiger Handarbeit am Stammsitz in Ungarn liebevoll erschaffen. Selbst die Platinenbestückung erfolgt in mühevoller Handarbeit und nicht durch einen Bestückungsautomaten. Die Klangqualität der Thesis-Komponenten ist nichts anderes als spektakulär – aber nicht im Sinne von irgendwelchen Hifi-typischen Attributen, sondern einer extrem natürlichen Musikwiedergabe ohne jegliche Ermüdungserscheinungen. Schön, dass es diesen Hersteller gibt und dass er uns mit solchen Ausnahmegeräten belohnt! Die Thesis-Line umfaßt: Delta CD-Transport (aufrüstbar mit DAC-Karte), Lambda Vorverstärker, Phi Phono-Vorverstärker, Pi Netzteil für Phi und optional Lambda Gamma Stereo-Endstufe und Omega Mono-Endstufe. The Thesis π (pi) twin power supply can feed the α or λ preamplifiers and the φ phono stage simultaneously. It has two independent sections, each with dual regulated power supply rails. In order to ensure an absolutely clean and stable power delivery, the Thesis π uses high-grade components custom made to our specifications, all massively overspecified for smooth and effortless performance even when pushed to its limits. It is not only the extension of the spectrum, but the smoother, cleaner and more articulated performance makes the π power supply a great upgrade for the thesis preamplifiers. Though the α and λ are both very well equipped to make a great impression in standalone mode, the addition of the π makes the icing on the cake in a thesis system. Technische Daten / Features double independent power supply output two-stage stabilized supply rails for extreme low noise custom made components to meet our strict specifications multiple oversizing for stability and reliability Type: 2-stage regulated power supply Supported devices: Thesis Alpha / Thesis Phi / Quasar Dimensions (WxHxD): 22 x 8.5 x 32,5 cm

2.550,00 €*
Obelisk Netzteil X2
Heed Obelisk X2, Netzteil
Heed Obelisk X2, Netzteil Durch den Einsatz dieses speziell entwickelten Netzteiles wird die Performance Ihres Heed Obelisk erheblich gesteigert. Beim Anschluss des X2 versorgt das Netzteil des Obelisk nur noch die Vorstufensektion, wogegen die Endstufen ihre Spannung nun separat vom X2 beziehen. Erleben Sie einen Klanggewinn der Extraklasse. English Information The Obelisk X-2 power supply (in fact, a dual-mono power amp PSU) holds the ante at a full 50wpc, while allowing the original on-board power supply of the Obelisk Si to dedicate itself entirely to its preamp section. In other words, with the addition of this single device, the Obelisk Si evolves into a fully-fledged dual-mono pre/power combination. It is a substantial technical upgrade, and consequently a leap forward in sonic performance: it catapults the single-box integrated Obelisk into a much higher league.  Features separate supply for Obelisk Si power stage dual mono supply rails enhanced power and impedance handling

1.110,00 €*
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